Wednesday, 28 September 2011

No Country For Old Men

No Country For Old Men
The opening sequence for the film starts with a black, blank screen as a few titles appear. 
The white text on the black background makes the title really stand out. 

Then it cuts to scenes of open desert and surrounding scenery as we hear the commentary of the man talking. The camera pans across the open and vast scenery. Many beigy, yellowy colours are used here. 
The camera shots used here are wide angle/establishing shots, showing wide areas of land. It sets the scene for the start of the film.
When the police man is getting strangled, the camera angle is a high angle/bird's eye view shot, which changes back and forth to a low angle. This shows the action taking place between the two characters, their relation to the room and both of their reactions. 

Over the shoulder shot of the killer, preparing to strangle the man.

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