Wednesday, 21 September 2011


Opening Credits For Se7en

 The opening of Se7en combines fast moving images of hands mixed with juddering shots of text, for example, the title of the film is shown in a b/w negative shot, which is unclear and jumpy.

Many of the shots used in the opening sequence, are high angle, point of view shots, as if we are the looking through the eyes of the anonymous person who is handling all the different items. 
 They also use a variety of shots of anonymous hands handling bits of paper, string and photographs. Each shot had a shadowy effect as the different frames were overlapped with each other. 
We also see various shots of people's faces as the member's of the cast and crew's names appear. On this particular image, the anonymous hands are seen scribbling lines over people's eyes, and then across all of their face. 
Also, there are shots of razor blades, needles and various other sharp objects, such as tweezers to give the audience an uneasy edge. 

The Soundtrack
The soundtrack in the opening sequence is a completely electronically produced mix of various different sound effects and synthesised drum beats. Some of the types of noises heard are;

  • vocals 'you bring me closer to God' 
  • bleeps
  • static, white noise sounds
  • distorted sounds
  • scratchy squeaky sounds
All of these effects add together to create a chorus of a atmospheric tension. 

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